part iII


Project Manager for you


Ensuring that everything goes well



Monitoring the project implementation process


When the various facets of the project have been validated, specifications outlining their implementation, organization and planning can then be defined.


In charge of your project, I undertake to supervise all of the steps involved. In doing so, I will ensure their successful completion in the best possible conditions. This regular presence will also simplify our discussions and response to our concerns, all the while allowing us to be reactive by adjusting at the right moment.



Respected expectations


The various aspects to the project have to follow the clearly defined line. As the work advances, we have to make sure that everything is properly carried out, in keeping with the assignment’s specifications.


My role will be that of putting into perspective the realization of the project with its issues and expectations. To stay on course, I’ll ensure full coordination with all partners and I’ll encourage listening and dialogue to make sure everyone moves forward in the same direction and in a positive spirit.



Measured results


The first goal of a project is that of producing a result! When everything is in working order thanks to a well-defined process and schedule, visible results should be able to confirm the validity of this approach and its continuation.


I’ll propose a constructive evaluation of the project, starting with the wine: does it bear the desired signature and does it meet with the expectations of the vintner and consumers? And then I’ll reassess the system put into place: what worked or did not work? I’ll of course evaluate the partnership: did it fulfill its role? This feedback is required to endorse the mission, and if need be, to consider its continuation with total piece of mind.

