part i


A holistic understanding


Considering a 360-degree project



Sensibility guides the signature


Wine stems from a special natural chemistry when it brings together a location, a terroir and a vineyard, combined with a form of vine-growing and winemaking. However, what makes the difference between wines is missing from this list: the signature. The latter has to reflect both the wine’s place of origin and the vintner’s creative hand. To be unique, a wine must therefore offer a double interpretation at once sensitive, original and human.




My consultancy proposal

places sensibility at the heart of the project, thereby enabling the wine to tell a story about its geology and its grower. With technology, a wine is just going to be good - which isn’t so bad. If you add a hint of vibration and soul, it becomes memorable and so different! Your wine is going to be unique because it’s going to offer a part of you. Our role will be that of exploring with you this part, so it can “speak” through the wine.

